Digitalisation Consultancy
experienced in
About Me
I studied Computer Engineering at the Technical University Graz. During and after my studies I have specialised myself in cloud applications and cloud security.
As a consultant, I developed several mobile and web applications, while focusing on secure implementations. My favourite server side technology is Spring Boot in combination with Spring Cloud.
Skills & abilities
My Specialities
Full Stack Development
Front end and backend solutions
Machine Learning
(Un-)supervised and reinforcement learning
Mobile Applications
Reacht Native and native applications
Cloud Application
Applications based on Microservices
Education & jobs
Computational Intelligence, Computer Vision
Master's Thesis: Global Cloud Storage Benchmark
Language skills
Recent Tweets
Check out my recent blog article on #GDPR compliance with @springboot applications part I: external databases https://t.co/31LiaC4blu#cloudsecurity @SpringData @springframework @springcloud pic.twitter.com/a04RfkQDnc
— Joe Innerbichler (@jinnerbichler) June 12, 2018
Stellar Lumen, Django, PythonGitHub
Spring Boot / Cloud, Microservices,Docker, Kubernetes
Django, TensorFlow, KerasGitHub
Node.js, IOTA, ReactGitHub
2nd place at the IOTA Flash hackathonhttps://blog.iota.org/flash-hackathon-winners-announced-231e80cd61ec
Over 1100 open source contributions within a year (GitHub)